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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Finding Friends, both New and Old

Every one of us has experienced the joy of finding things at the most unexpected places. Like when was the last time you pulled out a very old pair of trousers from your wardrobe, wore it, and just when you were walking out of the house, you slipped your hand inside the pocket and found a 50Rs note, wasn’t that exciting? Or that Slam Book you made while passing out of school, with notes from all the fiends and those subtle hints from that someone special, reading that must’ve been nostalgic.

So is the case with me in the recent times. I have recently been spending a lot of time with my older friends from college, and also find new friends. I don’t have an answer to why I did not do it earlier, but now that I am doing it, the feeling is no less exciting then felt in the situations above.

Yesterday, I was out with a completely new set of people, people who were acquaintances in office, but by the time we ended the evening, we had already found new friends in each other.

The idea of writing this note was to just remind anyone who reads it that, there are a lot of people out there that you could find a friend in, just step out and look for them, you sure will find ample. Infact a good start could be here, last evening the three of us decided that we will plan a trip to the Sula Vineyards next weekend, so if you want to join in, you are most welcome.


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